The windows on our homes are the only way we can see what’s happening in the world around us without having to open our doors and step outside. As such, it makes sense that we want to look out of pristine windows with no smudges or smears. However, it can be challenging to obtain that clarity, which is why you might use one of our tips for keeping your windows clean and clear.

Make It Yourself

It may seem surprising, but you can DIY a window cleaner that leaves a streak-free, spotless finish. A homemade blend is a great option if you aren’t a fan of the cleaning products in stores. The best part is you likely have all these ingredients already. All you need is one part vinegar and two parts water in a spray bottle, and you’re good to go!

Use a Hose

Sure, cleaning the inside of your windows is a piece of cake, but you’re likely wondering how you can clean the exterior. Using the hose is a great way to keep your windows clean and clear on the outside. You should be able to use water, soap, and a sponge on first-floor windows. Then, you can rinse off everything with your hose.

Glider Magnetic Cleaner

If you want to clean second-floor windows, consider using a magnetic glider. These handy tools allow you to spray a cleaning solution on the window’s exterior. Then, you can use the magnetic glider from within your house to clean away the solution.

Are you enjoying our tips? At Tualatin Valley Glass, we are passionate about keeping your glass as clear and pristine as possible. That’s why we offer window glass replacements in Portland. We are happy to assist you with any glass-related matters.

Save It for a Cloudy Day

You might think a clear sky with the sun shining is the perfect opportunity to clean your windows. However, those sunny skies can dry the cleaning solution prematurely, leaving unsightly streaks you want to avoid. That’s why a cloudy day offers the best conditions to wash your windows, as you can take your time achieving that sparkling finish.

Best Wiping Materials

The finish on your windows depends on the materials you use. You have likely found yourself shocked to see streaks on your windows when you did everything right. You probably didn’t use the best wiping materials. As such, try to stick with microfiber towels or a squeegee.